The chemical, pharmaceutical industry manufactures chemical specialties, agro-chemicals, pharmaceuticals and high-tech materials for consumer goods, agroculture and healthcare.
Manufacturing has developed into highly complex systems. Predicting the performance of such complex systems becomes a mission impossible. It is no longer feasible to simply design a process, a plant or a complete supply chain for a short-term business scenario.Complexity and uncertainty characterize the future of manufacturing.
Process flexibility becomes a key design feature of processes in the future. Modular designs enable robust and flexible process structures particularly suited for a uncertain, changing world. Modular manufacturing systems offer opportunities to perform successfully in volatile future scenarios.
The "F³-Project" studied modular process designs under many different aspects. This project was funded by the European Community.
The F³ Factory project has two key aims:
Specific objectives of the project are to:
The project newsletters and the project summaries provide an overview on project goals, concepts and results.The concept and results of this publicly funded project are summarized in various application cases:
The INVITE Research Center is an ideal source for additional information on modular production concepts.