manufective technologies
Sustainable Solutions require No-Regret-Solutions

Book and e-book are available:  

"Process Design - Synthesis, Intensification, and Integration of Chemical Processes" (180 pages) 

Helmut Mothes 

Process design aims at solutions converting raw materials into products in a technically convincing and economically profitable manner. Process design can build on many excellent chemical engineering textbooks addressing unit operations. A few books cover the area of process synthesis, intensification, and integration.

The textbook communicates basic ideas about process design to chemical engineering students and encourages experienced engineers to reflect on – and perhaps challenge – their daily approach to process design.  

This book is a summary of my courses “Process Intensification” and “Process Design” given at the Technical University Dresden (TU Dresden - 2008), East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST Shanghai – 2012-2014) and Ruhr University Bochum (RUB – 2014-2015).

Process Synthesis – it’s about Structuring Complexity:

Process synthesis aims at deriving the basic process structure and parameters for the plant output desired.  

 Process Analysis – It’s about Decision Drivers, Targets and Scenarios:

To ensure superior solutions for complex problems,  design targets are used to benchmark the design progress. A comparison of design results with derived targets facilitates decision making during design.

Technology Opportunities – It's about Process Intensification

During process sythesis ansd analysis standard unit operations and equipment is applied, but after a first flowsheet was developed each unit operation and equipment is evaluated for options to intensify heat and mass transfer (for example using microtechnologies).

System Opportunities – It’s about Process Integration.

Of course, technology optimization and innovation present the core of any methodology to design chemical processes and plants. Since chemical technologies represent a mature area, progress requires intensification on a macro-meta-micro-level. Interface synergies require system engineering. 

 Process Modularization and Standardization - It's about Flexibility, Robustness and"No-Regret"- Solutions: 

Under long-term uncertainty to bet on one seemingly optimal design might not be the best choice. Selection of a design whose performance is acceptable in various scenarios might be the preferable solution.

 New Frontiers – it’s about Open Minds:

Finally it is particularly important to avoid biases and emotional traps when straight-forward procedures are not applicable. Engineers act in a framework of experience, preferences and emotions. Minds affect motivation of and interaction in teams enhancing or preventing creative, novel solutions. Behavior is about people.

 Content of the book:

1. Introduction

2. Process Design - A conceptual Approach

3. Smart Methodologies - Targets, Technologies and Systems

4. Design Case Studies

5. Process Design Summary

6. Appendix: Heuristic Rules

7. References  

This book is available as paperback and kindle e-book.